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NZX Logo NZX Market Announcement Platform (MAP)
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If you have further questions, please contact us on: +64 4 496 2853.


What does my computer need to run MAP?

You need a modern web browser (Internet Explorer 5.0 or newer, Mozilla 1.0 or newer, Netscape 6.0 or newer) and an Internet connection.

What web browser settings do I need to run MAP?

MAP requires your web browser to have the following settings:

  • Cookies must be enabled for the NZX website.

Connecting to MAP

Do I need to put www in front of

No, enter or into the address bar of your web browser.

I try to go to but I get an error message. What do I do?

If the MAP login screen is not displayed, there are two possible explanations:

  1. The most likely is that there is a problem with your network or Internet connection. Try checking a different website (e.g. If that doesn't work either, talk to the person who looks after your computer systems.
  2. There might be a problem with the MAP website. Report the problem to the NZX Helpdesk on +64 4 495 2825.

If our system fails for whatever reason, what is the back-up?

You will need to email your announcement to: with your announcement file attached in both word and PDF format.


Why do I get returned to the login page when I try to login?

Your web browser must be configured to allow cookies from

Why do I have to log in again after not using MAP for a while?

The MAP system logs out users after 60 minutes with no activity.

If the system times out after 60 minutes, does it save the work I am working on?

The system will not save anything that has not been saved. For example, if you leave the MAP application for more than 60 minutes having made some edits to the text in the announcement text box without saving, these changes will not be saved. It is advised when making a new/editing an announcement, that you create/save the announcement to avoid losing any information.

What is my username?

Your username is the email address specified when your account was created. Enter your full email address (e.g. in the username field when logging in to MAP. The username is not case sensitive.

How do I change my account name/email address?

Call Product Operations on +64 4 496 2853.

How long does my password remain valid for?

Your password does not expire. NZX recommends changing the password every three months.

Are there any requirements I should take into account when choosing a password?

There is no minimum length for passwords. NZX recommends choosing a password between 8 and 10 characters long that includes at least one non-letter (i.e. a number or punctuation character).

Passwords are case sensitive. This means that 'SECret' is different to 'secret'.

Why doesn't my password work?

There are a number of reasons your password might not work:

  • You might have made a mistake in entering your username.
  • The password is case-sensitive. This means that 'SECret' is different from 'secret'. Make sure your keyboard doesn't have caps-lock on and try it again.
  • You can't remember what it is any more. See the answer to the I've forgotten my password, how do I get it reset? question.

I got my password wrong multiple times and now the system says I'm locked out. What do I do?

Call Product Operations on +64 4 496 2853.

I've forgotten my password, how do I get it reset?

Click the Forgot Password? link on the MAP login screen, enter your username on the next screen and press the Reset Password button. A new password will be created and emailed to you. Contact NZX helpdesk if your new password hasn't arrived within ten minutes.

Can I use the same user account for multiple issuers?

Yes. Each issuer needs to complete and return the MAP Agreement. Then a MAP user account will have to be requested for each issuer, specifying the same username/email address each time.

How do I log in to MAP for a different issuer?

Log out and then login again with a user account that is set up for that issuer.

Why don't I get a list of issuers to choose from when I login?

Your user account is currently only set up for a single issuer.

How can I display the list of users for my issuer?

Login with an admin user account, select the User tab and click on Show Issuer Users.


What is the maximum number of characters accepted in the Announcement Text field?

240kb or 240,000 characters (approximately 30,000 words).

What text format can I use in the announcement text?

Plain unformatted text only.

Can I use HTML tags in the announcement text?


Can I cut, copy and paste text from my file attachment into the text box?

Yes, from a word document, or similar text file only. Bear in mind that all formatting will be lost.

Is it acceptable to put a one line in the announcement text saying: "please see attached announcement as lodged with ASX"?

The announcement text box must include either the full announcement or the salient points of the announcement.

Do I have to type the first section of an Appendix 1 into the announcement text box?

See the MAP User Guide and/or the template link to view/download a copy of the summary text template required for the announcement text box for a half and full year announcement.

If we enter the announcement into the announcement text, why do we also need to add a file attachment?

The summary text is delivered to NZX trading terminals and real time news vendors such as Reuters, Bloomberg and IRESS for immediate display. The attachment is sent in support of the announcement usually to a wider audience such as analysts who do not necessarily have access to the real time system.

How can I tell when my announcement has been released to the market?

The announcement will move from Waiting to Released on the Status page and in the Status sidebar on the right of the screen. You may need to click the web refresh button first. You will also be sent a confirmation of release email.

Can I search for an announcement based on its content?

No. You can search by date range and announcement type.

I have transferred my announcement to another user. How do I get it back again?

On the right side of the screen, click on the announcement and transfer the announcement back to yourself. The announcement will now appear under your name in the announcements being worked on to the right of your screen.


What types of files can be attached to announcements?

NZX only accepts attachments in PDF format.

Can I attach audio and video files to an announcement?


Why isn't the file displayed on the View Announcement screen after I attached it and pressed Submit?

This could be for any of the following reasons:

  • That type of file can not be attached to an announcement. Check that the file extension (the three letters after the last dot in the name) is on the list of allowed file types.
  • The file upload didn't work. Try it again.
  • The file was too large and/or your Internet link is too slow.
  • Check the permissions of your web proxy server

How large can a file attachment be?

Each file attachment can be up to 10MB (10 megabytes).

Why won't the system let me attach a file that is only 1MB?

Your web proxy server may have settings that require changing. Contact your IT support for assistance.

How many files can I attach to an announcement?

There is no limit.

Can I add multiple attachments at once?

No, each attachment must be added separately.

How can I change the description of an attachment?

Delete the attachment and then add it again with the correct description.

How do I close the view of my announcement's attached file, without closing down my web browser?

Click your browser back button to take you back to the View Announcement screen.

Contact NZX
NZX Centre
Level 2
11 Cable Street
PO Box 2959
Wellington 6140

Ph +64 4 496 2853